Dream Live Achieve Academy is dedicated to bringing the best out of each individual student. The aim is to help young people to improve their confidence, communication and life experiences, and build essential life skills, by training them to the performing arts, which require creativity, dedication, motivation and discipline.
Each student is assigned a Life Coach for 1-2-1 mentoring to give guidance to our young children and adults who go through hardships, trials and tribulations, as they grow older. Our development academy provides an opportunity for students to learn how to channel those feelings and emotions into constructive and positive endeavours through dance, drama, song and performance.
DLA provide classes and workshops to introduce young people to the world of Expressive Arts. Students will learn to possess the ability to perform on stage and in front of large audiences, and be given creative responsibility over elements of their work.
We want all pupils to be able to have an input on how creative they get, we will put their creative skills to the test by producing and forming scripts, songs and story boards of their own, to act and perform in front of an audience. Pupils will develop stage skills, such as crowd interaction, stage presentation and self-projection. We will also help individuals conquer stage freight. Over all they will learn the basic techniques and principles on how to manage themselves on and off stage in different ways, before, during and after performance. This not only gives them confidence but will give them transferable skills, that they can then utilise in day to day living. All staff are professionally trained and carry enhanced DBS Checks.
DLA is not just an Academy, we are a family working as a team to help each other succeed, dedicated to preparing the younger generation for the future.
We live in a society where times are getting harder economically, financially and socially. Our program is a great step in the right direction for our young people, to ease some of the worries and fears that many parents have faced already. A lot of children and adults get caught up in a life of crime, street politics, drugs and gang violence, This is a perfect opportunity to give the community an up lift and show them that we care about our children’s futures. We want to see improvements all around, in a somewhat corrupt society.
This project gives children and adults alike, the chance to be successful in something they enjoy doing and the opportunity to give back to the community and keep off the streets. We are dedicated to ensuring that our students not only enjoy themselves and learn new skills within our classes, but also improve on other elements of their lives, such as; school, home, social, personality and characteristics, and life skills for after school. This may sometimes require extra mentoring session with their life coaches, and residential trips, and involving our students in community projects and events outside of DLA.
We believe that investing in our children’s futures today will start to decrease the risk in violence and crime in our community.