Dance Class Registration 4-7 years

Parental Consent Form
  • Dream Live Acheive Academy (DLA) will be taking video footage of the participants. This will be used as feedback for the children's viewing and for the rest of the DLA gathering and the wider Organisation. We will also take photographs as a record of the programme and these may be published or used in publicity for future events.  This may include the DLA website, the FACEBOOK webpage, lnstagram, Twitter and other social networking sites and any other Youth Forum website which may be created.  Your child will not be identified by name in any publicity or on any website without consent.

    If you do not want your child to be filmed or photographed that may mean that they are not able to participate in some of the classes and Events.

    By completing and submittinthis form you are giving consent for your child to be filmed and photographed at lessons, showcase and performances.

     (to be completed by Legal Guardian, if under 18 years old)


  • Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY